U.S. Customs and Border Protection has not had any policy changes that would affect TN status. One of the most common issues CBP sees is improper paperwork presented by the traveler in relation to the position classification they are applying under.
Another common issue is the lack of proper documents needed to grant a TN nonimmigrant classification. Each application for TN status is evaluated by the inspecting officer, and the decision is made on the totality of the evidence provided.
Every application for TN status is a separate inspection, and the decision to approve or deny is based on the merits of that individual case. Under title 8 of the code of regulations (8 CFR) Part 214 appendix 1603.D.1 it lists Registered Nurse—with a state/provincial license or Licenciatura Degree as an acceptable classification to obtain a TN nonimmigrant classification as a Canadian or Mexican citizen.
Below are a few tips for registered nurses for a smooth TN Processing:
- Canadian citizens do not need a visa for the TN classification
- Diploma showing related education
- Letter from Employer for TN Applicants to include the following information:
- Name of employer
- Position in the company
- List of the nature of the job duties
- Length of stay in the U.S.
- Amount they are being paid
- Evidence of education qualifications
- Must be on company letterhead with original signatures
- For registered nurse TN applicants, they must present a certificate from the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) - Often referred to as a VisaScreen
U.S. Customs and Border Protection is currently working closely with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services for greater clarity in regards to specialized categories that fall under the registered nurse classification.