January 2017

Everyone’s Rights During and Immigration (ICE) Raid

Everyone- both documented and undocumented persons- have rights in this country.

Make sure you and others know what to do if approached by ICE officers.

  • Inform your family members (even children), housemates, neighbors, and co-workers, of their right to remain silents and all of these rights if ICE or the police comes to your home.

You have the right to remain silent.

  • You can refuse to speak to an ICE agent. Do not answer any questions, especially about your birth place, immigration status or how you entered the United States.

You have the right to demand a warrant before letting anyone into your home.

  • Do not open your door to authorities without a warrant.Verify that the warrant authorizes them to enter your specific address and property. If officers enter anyway tell them that they do not have your permission to enter. Try to get their names or badge numbers to file a complain letter.

  • If officers have a warrant, they may enter your home but can only search for people or items listed in the warrant.

  • Do not lie to officers. Do not present false documents or lie.

You have the right to speak to a lawyer and the right to make a phone call.

  • Make sure to carry the phone number for an immigration lawyer with you all the time.

You have the right to refuse to sign anything before you talk to a lawyer.

  • Do not sign anything. That could eliminate your right to speak with a lawyer or have a hearing in front of an immigration judge. This may result in you being deported immediately without a hearing.

You have the right to refuse to show any documents before speaking with a lawyer.

If you are arrested, remember

  • You have the right to remain silent and not answer questions.

  • You have the right to ask to speak with your attorney or consulate.

  • Do not sign documents that you do not understand.

It is important to understand your legal options. You should consult with an immigration attorney to consider legal options and find out if you qualify for any other immigration benefit.