Nearly 700,000 U.S. employers are enrolled in E-Verify. If your company is one of them, you can apply to use the E-Verify logo on your website and in presentations and brochures.
E-Verify is a registered trademark of the Department of Homeland Security. Trade associations; federal, state and local agencies; and media outlets can also request to use the logo to promote E-Verify. Visit the Trademark and Logo Usage Guidelines webpage for more information and to submit the request authorization.
Benefits of displaying the logo on your website include informing:
- Prospective applicants that you participate in the E-Verify program to prevent illegal employment; and
- The public that your business uses E-Verify to determine employment eligibility.
Have feedback or ideas? Post them on E-Verify Listens. Learn more about E-Verify and stay connected by subscribing to E-Verify.