Posts Categorized: Citizenship

June 2016

El “pequeño Marco” y sus menudos principios
Maribel Hastings

La Opinión/Impremedia

El Diario NY

Radio Bilingüe

Hoy Dallas



Marco Rubio se dice “honrado” de hablar por Trump en la convención, asegura que votará “y no por Hillary”
La Opinión/Impremedia

Análisis de las posibilidades presidenciales de Trump (Video)

Rocky de la Fuente, el “otro” demócrata en la boleta de California
La Opinión/Impremedia

Clinton y Sanders virtualmente empatados en California antes de la primaria del 7 de junio
La Opinión/Impremedia

Trump rechaza celebrar un debate con Sanders
EFE/La Opinión

Trump dice que EEUU trata mejor a indocumentados que a veteranos
EFE/La Opinión

Gary Johnson representará a libertarios en elecciones presidenciales
EFE/La Opinión

El Partido Libertario apuesta por Gary Johnson para seducir a los descontentos con Trump y Clinton

Inmigrantes salen a promover el voto en Los Ángeles
La Opinión/Impremedia

Las ideas de Donald Trump enfrentan a los estadounidenses cuerpo a cuerpo (Fotos)

Rosario Marín: “Trump ha destruido los esfuerzos republicanos para atraer a los latinos”


Trump y el juez “mexicano”
La Opinión/Editorial

De Rosa Parks a Donald Trump
Jorge Ramos/

Trump pone en peligro todo lo que somos
Al Moncada/La Opinión

Bernie Sanders acabará con deportaciones que desgarran a nuestras familias
Sergio García/La Opinión

Trayectoria de Hillary Clinton con la comunidad latina amerita nuestro apoyo
John Trasviña/La Opinión

Los problemas del ‘unificador’ Trump
Jorge Delgado/La Opinión


Miedo se apodera de indocumentados en Carolina del Norte (Video)
Noticiero Univision


Hispanos siempre presentes en las guerras en las que ha participado Estados Unidos (Video)
Noticiero Univision

Son veteranos de guerra, pero no pueden pisar suelo estadounidense
La Opinión/Impremedia

La ruta del migrante, cada vez más complicada (Video)
Noticiero Univision

Polémica política discriminatoria en Wisconsin (Video)
Noticiero Univision

La muerte de otro niño en el Mediterráneo recuerda al mundo el drama de la migración

‘Terminó la pesadilla’, dice inmigrante que pasó 16 años encarcelado erróneamente
La Opinión

El Papa a los niños: los inmigrantes no son peligrosos, están en peligro
EFE/La Opinión

Inician caminata por muerte de inmigrantes en el desierto de Arizona
EFE/Yahoo Noticias

Rhode Island: inmigrantes planean marchas por licencias
AP/Yahoo Noticias

Refugiados sí, turistas no: un graffiti en Mallorca destapa el hartazgo con los extranjeros adinerados
Yahoo Noticias


February 2016
Swearing in new U.S. citizens

The arena is packed with fans, the practice and hard work is done, the energy in the air is electric, and now it’s game time. A long, hard journey of blood, sweat and tears comes down to this pivotal moment. Officials take the court, the countdown…3…2…1…, the whistle blows, and game time! Fifty soon-to-be U.S. citizens take center court during the first-ever naturalization ceremony to take place during an NBA game. The new citizens hail from all corners of the globe and incredibly diverse backgrounds, but tonight they share one thing in common: they are about to take the final step in their immigration journey to become U.S. citizens.

On Feb 19, the Phoenix Suns basketball organization with us to host a unique half-time presentation for fifty very special new U.S. citizens. Because of the time constraints of an NBA halftime, we broke the ceremony into two parts. The first part took place at the Suns’ practice court, adjacent to the main arena, where the candidates and their families watched players warm up for the big game against the Houston Rockets, and waited for their ceremony to begin.

Gerda Weissmann addresses
the new citizens

The new citizens were welcomed by Phoenix Suns President Jason Rowley, who said he was honored and humbled to host the historic ceremony at their facility. Next up was Holocaust survivor, humanitarian, and Medal of Freedom recipient Gerda Weissmann Klein, who brought the audience of 200 to tears as she recounted her journey from a Nazi concentration camp to the shores of the United States. Klein spoke to new citizens wearing her Medal of Freedom for the first time since receiving it from President Obama at the White House in 2011.

“Today you join me as U.S. citizens,” Klein proudly stated. “I wear this medal today for the first time in your honor.”

After remarks from local USCIS leadership, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the singing of “The Star-Spangled Banner” it was time for the big show. The soon-to-be new citizens just needed one final play to close out the game.

As they walked through the tunnel and took center court, Suns players, staff and referees high-fived and congratulated the citizens. Like a well-oiled machine center court was set, all fifty candidates had their right hands raised in front of thousands of cheering fans, and within minutes they were officially US citizens. With smiles on their faces and flags in their hands, it was truly a day they will remember.

New U.S. citizens celebrate with the fans

Contact Us

February 2016

WASHINGTON—El Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglés) conmemorará el natalicio del primer presidente de nuestra nación, George Washington, así como el de todos los presidentes que han liderado este país, dándoles la bienvenida a cerca de 20,000 nuevos ciudadanos estadounidenses en más de 180 ceremonias de naturalización a llevarse a cabo a través de toda la nación del 12 al 22 de febrero.

“Cualquiera que sea su trasfondo cultural o sus ideas políticas, todos nuestros presidentes han reconocido que no hubiésemos salido adelante como nación si no hubiésemos tenido las contribuciones de los inmigrantes”, dijo el director de USCIS, León Rodríguez. “Por medio de las contribuciones que hacen, y con su decisión de naturalizarse, nuestros nuevos ciudadanos darán fuerza a la estructura de nuestra nación y reforzarán la herencia única de Estados Unidos como nación de inmigrantes.”

Este Día de los Presidentes, USCIS comparte historias de ciudadanos naturalizados cuyos hijos se convirtieron en presidentes. Lea acerca de algunos de ellos en nuestro blog Compás.

Las actividades del Día de los Presidentes de este año incluirán una ceremonia de naturalización en Mount Vernon, residencia de George Washington en Mount Vernon, Virginia, el 22 de febrero. El director Rodríguez administrará el Juramento de Lealtad y será el orador principal.

Otras ceremonias de naturalización se llevarán a cabo durante la semana, en:

  • Sitio Inaugural de Theodore Roosevelt en Buffalo, New York el 16 de febrero
  • Centro de Historia de Colorado en Denver, Colorado el 17 de febrero
  • Parque Histórico Washington Crossing en Washington Crossing, Pennsylvania el 18 de febrero

Lea una lista completa de las ceremonias de naturalización con motivo del Día de los Presidentes de 2016 y sepa cuáles son los diez pasos hacia la naturalización.

USCIS exhorta a los nuevos ciudadanos, sus familiares y amigos a compartir sus experiencias en las ceremonias de naturalización por medio de Twitter o cualquier otro medio social utilizando la etiqueta #newUScitizen.



January 2016

Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted the government’s petition for a writ of certiorari in Texas v. United States, and directed the parties to brief and argue “Whether the Guidance violates the Take Care Clause of the Constitution, Art. II, §3.”

The Court agreed on Tuesday to hear the federal government’s appeal of a decision that upheld a block on President Barack Obama’s key executive actions on immigration, setting the stage for one of the biggest immigration fights at the high court in recent years.

AILA welcomed the Court’s decision to take up the case, and urged the Court to affirm the constitutionality of executive branch immigration powers. “[T]he final ruling will … go far beyond immigration, no single state should be empowered to thwart the federal government’s nationwide policy decisions.”

See AILA’s Texas v. United States page for background and resources related to this case.

January 2016

Initial December 24 and 25 media reports of the planned roundups:




What is going on: * We heard the raids will start 1/2/15, and so far have seen one unverified media report: which recounts home raids in Atlanta.

* We have heard that ICE will focus on families that actually appeared in court, rather than those ordered removed in absentia (as we initially believed would be the target population). This needs to be verified and monitored.

Advocacy and efforts to assist families that are picked up * Broad sign-on letter: On December 31, AILA drafted a letter joined by over 160 national and local immigration, refugee, civil rights, faith, children and women’s organizations to the President opposing the reported raids and urging the Administration not to move forward:

Telemundo phone-in day:

On Jan 11th RAICES will hold phone-in day with Telemundo on these raids. This information is still developing and not complete. We will update you as we gain more information. Here is our resource page:


December 2015

On November 20 and 21, 2014, President Barack Obama announced a series of administrative reforms of immigration policy, collectively called the Immigration Accountability Executive Action. The centerpiece of these reforms is an expansion of the current Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative and the Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents (DAPA) initiative for the parents of U.S citizens and lawful permanent residents who meet certain criteria.

Together, these initiatives could provide as many as 5 million immigrants with temporary relief from deportation. Moreover, DAPA and expanded DACA is expected not only to keep families united, but also to increase U.S. gross domestic product, increase tax revenue, and raise wages.

Read more »

December 2015

USCIS-En septiembre, pedimos que compartieran con nosotros en tan solo seis palabras lo que significa para ustedes la ciudadanía estadounidense. Nos respondieron en varias maneras que fueron verdaderamente inspiradoras, y demostraron que una sola palabra puede tener muchos significados.

Según prometimos, hemos creado una presentación donde mostramos sus respuestas. También hemos creado rótulos para nuestra página web y los publicaremos durante los próximos meses. Disfruten el vídeo, y por favor ¡compártanlo con sus amigos y familiares!


December 2015

If you are afraid of the Civics Test in English, one may qualify for the Exceptions and Accommodations to the Civics Test portion of the Naturalization process, i.e.,

English Language Exemptions

You Are Exempt From The English Language Requirement, But Are Still Required To Take The Civics Test If You Are:

  • Age 50 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived as a permanent resident (green card holder) in the United States for 20 years (commonly referred to as the “50/20” exception).
  • Age 55 or older at the time of filing for naturalization and have lived as a permanent resident in the United States for 15 years (commonly referred to as the “55/15” exception).
  • Note:
  • Even if you qualify for the “50/20” or “55/15” English language exceptions listed above, you must still take the civics test.
  • You will be permitted to take the civics test in your native language.
  • If you take the test in your native language, you must bring an interpreter with you to your interview.
  • Your interpreter must be fluent in both English and your native language.
  • If you are age 65 or older and have been a permanent resident for at least 20 years at the time of filing for naturalization, you will be given special consideration regarding the civics requirement.
  • For more information, see the USCIS Policy Manual Citizenship and Naturalization Guidance.

December 2015

For a case denied before October 28, 2009 USCIS policy is that an alien may file, with the proper filing fee, an untimely motion to reopen a petition, adjustment application, or waiver application, if new section 204(l) would now allow approval of a still-pending petition or application.

For many years, USCIS had taken the position that the law did not permit the beneficiary of a visa petition to obtain approval of the petition if the petitioner died while the petition remained pending. See Matter of Sano, 19 I&N Dec. 299 (BIA 1985); Matter of Varela, 13 I&N Dec. 453 (BIA 1970).
New section 204(l) of the Act changes this governing law with respect to an alien who is seeking an immigration benefit through a deceased “qualifying relative.” Section 204(l) permits the approval of a visa petition or refugee/asylee relative petition, as well as any adjustment application and related application, if the alien seeking the benefit:

Resided in the United States when the qualifying relative died;

Continues to reside in the United States on the date of the decision on the pending petition or application; and

Is at least one of the following:

The beneficiary of a pending or approved immediate relative visa petition;

The beneficiary of a pending or approved family-based visa petition, including both the principal beneficiary and any derivative beneficiaries;

Any derivative beneficiary of a pending or approved employment-based visa petition;

The beneficiary of a pending or approved Form I-730, Refugee/Asylee Relative Petition;

An alien admitted as a derivative “T” or “U” nonimmigrant; or

A derivative asylee under section 208(b)(3) of the Act.

Section 568(d) of Public Law 111-83 does not expressly define the “qualifying relative.” From the list of aliens to whom the new section 204(l) applies, however, USCIS infers that “qualifying relative” means an individual who, immediately before death, was:

The petitioner in a family-based immigrant visa petition under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) or 203(a) of the Act;

The principal beneficiary in a family-based visa petition case under section 201(b)(2)(A)(i) or 203(a) of the Act;

The principal beneficiary in an employment-based visa petition case under section 203(b) of the Act;

The petitioner in a refugee/asylee relative petition under section 207 or 208 of the Act;

The principal alien admitted as a T or U nonimmigrant; or

The principal asylee, who was granted asylum under 208 of the Act.



November 2015



Sospechas por llegada de refugiados sirios (Video) Noticiero Univision 41


Los dos escenarios para DAPA tras el recurso de prórroga de Texas ante la Corte Suprema

La suerte de DAPA depende ahora de una acción de la Corte Suprema La Opinión/Impremedia NOTAS SOBRE EL RACISMO

¿Está aumentando el racismo? Más gente en EEUU dice que es un gran problema, según una encuesta de CNN/KFF (Video) CNN en Español

Sobre la encuesta de CNN/Kaiser Family Foundation CNN en Español


Bernie Sanders promete proteger de la deportación a los indocumentados que lleven cinco años en EEUU

NBC no se disculpará con hispanos por presentar a Trump en Saturday Night Live CNN en Español

Lluvia de críticas a Trump por decir que vio celebraciones tras atentados del 11 de septiembre CNN en Español

Rivales repubilicanos de Donald Trump reciben tiempo equitativo en NBC CNN en Español

Encuesta: mayoría de republicanos enojados con el gobierno prefieren a Trump CNN en Español


Cancilleres debaten en El Salvador crisis de migrantes cubanos AFP/El Nuevo Herald

Aumenta desesperación de cubanos varados en Costa Rica (Video) Noticiero Univision 23

Latinoamericanos buscan acuerdo para paso seguro de cubanos a EEUU AFP/Yahoo Noticias

Iglesia católica de Centroamérica aboga por corredor humanitario para cubanos EFE/Yahoo Noticias


¿Migrantes en México? Francisco Masse/Excélsior (México)

Republícratas y demócanos Guillermo Descalzi/El Nuevo Herald


Ser un ‘Dreamer’ no es limitante para comprar una casa (Video) Noticiero Univision Arizona
